The Weights of life

3 min readMar 9, 2022

The heaviness of life can really have you questioning everything.

You may start questioning every dream you’ve ever had, every word that has ever been spoken over your life or every motivational drive that was at the centre of your heart.

The heaviness of life can really weigh you down. Weigh you down to the point of stagnation.

It’s funny how your mind can fixate on everything that is going wrong and miss the beauty of everything going right.

Your mind has the ability to enlarge every insecurity, maximise every anxious thought you’ve ever had. Then as if you aren’t drowning enough, life brings a wave of guilt condemning you for every bad thing you’ve ever done and convinces you that you are not worthy of great things.

That you are not worthy of pleasantries. That all the good things that have happened to you were of temporary value.

Temporary happiness, temporary success, temporary love, temporary growth. Life will try and trap you in your fears and worries.

But only if you allow it to.

The reality is, sometimes you have to examine the weights in your life and learn how to let go. There is power in learning to acknowledge that life is heavy sometimes its okay to want to let go.

I think the most powerful thing you can do is make your problems powerless.

Let me explain.

There is power in changing the perspective used to view your problems. Your view may not change straight away and that is absolutely okay.

Believe me I can be the QUEEN of WOE IS ME sometimes.

I have learnt to deal with my emotions there and then so that I don’t end up regurgitating them later on.

I was having a conversation with God after I had been crying dealing with the way I felt. I then proceeded to ask him what he was trying to show me or rather what lesson I should’ve been looking out for.

I even joked with him saying “I know you give your strongest battles to you strongest soldiers but I just wanted the soft lifeee mann

But I digress.

What changing my perspective showed me was that I could shift what I was focusing on. After doing so I realised that I was being tested.

I believe these tests were to test my patience and my initial response. I’m in a season where I am learning to depend on God a lot more and as a first response even when I feel like everything is going wrong.

I have the desire to really expand and grow on the faith I already have.

I also believe the enemy will use situations like these to frustrate you and cloud your judgement with emotion because thinks he knows what will get to you.

How does he know this ?

By studying you. By watching you. By keeping notes on your downfall.

But something I’ve learnt about being a believer is that no matter how many times the enemy may thrive off my frustration or indugle in my stumble, I will rise.

Every. Single. Time.

That’s just how my author wrote my plot.

“Jeremiah 29:11"


